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28th Annual Workplace Torts & Workers' Comp (Virtual)

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28th Annual Workplace Torts & Workers' Comp 

December 3, 2021

(approved for 6.0 CLE Hours)

Topics & Speakers

8:55 a.m. | Welcoming Remarks - Program Chairs

  • Stewart Poisson, Poisson Poisson & Bower, PLLC, Wilmington
  • Vernon Sumwalt, The Sumwalt Group Workers' Compensation and Trial Lawyers, Charlotte

9 a.m. | Constitutional Challenges in Workers’ Compensation Cases in Other States


  • Bob Bollinger, Bollinger Law Firm, PC,  Charlotte 


  • Professor Michael C. Duff, St. Louis University School of Law, St. Louis
  • Thomas J. Murphy, Murphy Law Firm, Great Falls

10 a.m. | Workers’ Compensation Appellate Court Decisions Since November 2020 

  • Honorable Jeff Carpenter, North Carolina Court of Appeals, Raleigh
  • Honorable Robin Hudson, North Carolina Supreme Court, Raleigh
  • Stewart Poisson, Poisson Poisson & Bower, PLLC, Wilmington
  • Vernon Sumwalt, The Sumwalt Group Workers' Compensation and Trial Lawyers, Charlotte

10:45 a.m. | Break

11 a.m. | The Nature and Impact of Stigma Toward Injured Workers 

  • Rebecca Gewurtz, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science McMaster University, Toronto
  • Steve Mantis, Chair of the Research Action Committee of the Ontario Network of Injured Workers Groups,  Ontario

11:25 a.m. | Tips on Handling Appeals to the Full Commission

  • April Gladkin, Lead Counsel to the Full Commission, N.C. Industrial Commission 
  • Honorable Wanda Blanche Taylor, Commissioner, N.C Industrial Commission

12:15 p.m. | Lunch 
1:15 p.m. | Insurance Product Primer 

  • Kristine Prati, Wilson Ratledge, Raleigh

1:45 p.m. | Perspectives from a Former Defense Attorney

  • Viral Mehta, Mehta & McConnell, Charlotte

2:15 p.m. | The NC Rate Bureau’s Responsibility for the NC Workers’ Compensation System 

  • Moderator: Hank Patterson, Patterson Harkavy, Chapel Hill 
  • Joanna Bilouris, COO, Insurance Operations, NC Rate Bureau, Raleigh
  • Jarred Chappell, Director of Workers Compensation Operations, NC Rate Bureau, Raleigh

3 p.m. | Break

3:15 pm | Extended Benefits Panel

  • Richard Harper, Harper Law Firm, PLLC, Sylva
  • Kevin Bunn, Kevin Bunn, Attorney at Law, PC, Cary
  • Stewart Poisson, Poisson Poisson & Bower, Wilmington
  • Leslie Wickham, Wickham PLLC, Durham 

4:30 pm | Adjourn

Thanks to Our Sponsors!


Ametros strives to enhance the lives of injured parties with our post-settlement medical management solutions.

With our innovative, efficient and affordable solutions, we can improve the health and well-being of our members while working with healthcare professionals and key partners to

constantly adapt and continue to be the leading experts in the industry.


Milner Settlements

Milner Settlements | Bryan Milner is a Senior Structured Settlement Consultant with Milner Settlements through Sage Settlement Consulting. He has been working with attorneys and their clients in North Carolina for over 19 years, and continues to be a strong supporter of NCAJ. Bryan takes on a compassionate, comprehensive approach. He understands the important and complex financial decisions that face individuals and families who are receiving settlements. He provides creative structured settlement options and helps the attorney navigate the complexities of settlement-related issues such as Medicare Set-Asides, Trusts, Lien Resolution, etc. He also assists attorneys with designing fee structures for their contingency fees. Bryan is a committee member of the newly formed American Association of Settlement Consultants (AASC).


Physician Life Care Planning

Physician Life Care Planning is a full service, nationwide provider of damages valuation services that specializes in the formulation of Compensatory Economic Damages for attorneys, including future medical requirements, loss of earnings, and loss of household services for chronically and catastrophically ill/injured individuals.

Our Life Care Planners are Board Certified Physicians who specialize in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and possess the requisite capacity to independently and thoroughly formulate and defend a strong medical foundation for damages valuation.


With 27 years of litigation and settlement planning experience, Tacker LeCarpentier started SPS in order to provide comprehensive settlement planning services to injury victims, their families and attorneys. At no charge to your clients, we offer life care planning cost analysis, governmental benefits assessments, mediation attendance, as well as appearances at all settlement hearings. Settlement planning solutions include structured settlements, Special Needs Trusts, Medicare Set-Aside Accounts, Family Security and Settlement Preservation Trusts, and assistance with lien resolution. Contact Tacker at 919-247-9070 or [email protected].

Our Number 1 Goal: To Secure Your Clients’ Future Financial Needs.


28th Annual Workplace Torts & Workers' Comp
12/03/2021 at 8:55 AM (EST)  |  360 minutes
12/03/2021 at 8:55 AM (EST)  |  360 minutes
Certificate of Attendance
Up to 6.00 CLE credits available  |  Certificate available
Up to 6.00 CLE credits available  |  Certificate available